All around the world the word “geysir” or “geyser”is the name of a hot spouting volcanic spring. In Icelandic,however it refers most specifically to a single geyser. In fact there is only one real Geysir and that can be found in south-west Iceland.
In winter the geysir area is pretty bleak as you can see.
Geysirs steam for most of the time and then depending on the timing the hot water spouts out at different times. This Geysir geysir spouted quite frequently and we saw it spout a few times while we were walking around the geysir area.
The steaming geysir , then it bubbled then spouted.
I loved the steaming atmosphere and seeing the farmhouse through the thick geysir steam.
Very atmospheric scene.
Three geysirs in the area with different names
It was a bit like a lunar landscape with steaming bubbling cauldrons around the area and I found it odd yet attractive in a weird sort of way.